9th annual 21st Century Energy Transition Symposium

Good news if you missed the May 2021 event!  Click here to watch recorded sessions during May 4-5 and 14, 2021 Energy Symposium

Original Symposium Dates:  May 4-5 and 14, 2021

Cost:  Free to attend, everyone must register in order to watch any recorded sessions and/or download speaker PPT slide decks.  Anyone can watch recorded sessions until May 2022.

Co-hosted by:  Colorado Energy Research Collaboratory’s four partners — University of Colorado Boulder, Colorado School of Mines, Colorado State University and National Renewable Energy Laboratory

Watch a short video of the importance of the Collaboratory and highlights from 2019 energy transition symposium.


Past Event — 8th annual 21st Century Energy Transition Symposium

Date:  April 1-2, 2019

Location:  Grand Hyatt in downtown Denver, Colorado

Co-hosted by:  Colorado Energy Research Collaboratory’s four partners — University of Colorado Boulder, Colorado School of Mines, Colorado State University and National Renewable Energy Laboratory

Click here for more details.


Past Event — Workshop on Applying to ARPA-E

Date:          November 28, 2017

Host:          Colorado Energy Research Collaboratory

Location:   Sustainability, Energy & Environment Complex (SEEC) 4001 Discovery Drive  Boulder, Colorado

Cost:          Free of charge.

Click here to watch (free of charge) some or all live streaming from ARPA-E Workshop

Summary:  The purpose of this workshop was to educate public and private sector researchers and entities interested in submitting proposals to the U.S. Department of Energy’s Advanced Research Projects Agency-Energy’s (ARPA-E) solicitations, including open solicitations.  Former ARPA-E Program Directors and Colorado ARPA-E award recipients provided information on the agency’s approach to transformational energy research.  Lessons-learned, helpful advice on how to both develop and write winning ARPA-E proposals, how to manage a proposal, and execute successful ARPA-E projects were also provided.  Participants had a chance to network and see how different entities can team up on projects.


  • Collaboratory institutional researchers, faculty, and staff
  • Industry
  • State partners and organizations
  • Federal agencies

Downloadable document:  ARPA-E workshop agenda – Nov 28 2017

AGENDA  —–  Click here for speaker bios

10:30 – 11:00:  Participant arrival and networking

11:00 – 11:15:    Welcome by Collaboratory Executive Director, Maury Dobbie.  Collaboratory history and vision, purpose of workshop and expertise within the Collaboratory partnering organizations including CU Boulder, Colorado School of Mines, Colorado State University and National Renewable Energy Laboratory.  Speakers:  Terri Fiez, Vice Chancellor for Research and Innovation at CU Boulder (Chair of Collaboratory Executive Board) and Alan Rudolph, Vice President of Research at Colorado State University (past chair of Collaboratory Executive Board).

11:15 – 12:00:  Session #1 Introduction to ARPA-E (Speaker:  Bryan Willson, Director, Energy Institute, Colorado State University)

  • History, Mission and How ARPA-E operates
  • Risk Profile
  • Focused versus Open Solicitations
  • Review Process
  • Elements of Successful Proposals and Tricks of the Trade

12:00 – 12:30:  Lunch served

12:30 – 1:15:    Technology-to-Market (T2M)  (Speaker:  Ted Weaver, President, First Tracks Consulting Service)

1:15 – 2:00:      How to Manage a Project and Its Challenges (Speaker:  Howard Branz, Senior Research Associate, University of Colorado, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Institute)

2:00 – 2:15:      Break

2:15 – 3:15:       Panel of Successful ARPA-E Awardees Sharing Best Practices

Moderator:  Bryan Willson

Ryan O’Hayre — Professor, Directs the Advanced Energy Materials Laboratory, Colorado School of Mines
Greg Rieker — Assistant Professor of Mechanical Engineering, University of Colorado-Boulder
John McKay — Professor of Plant Evolutionary Genomics, Colorado State University
Aaron Ptak — Senior Scientist, National Center for Photovoltaics, National Renewable Energy Laboratory

3:15 – 4:00:  Share about Collaboratory cost share opportunities, Collaboratory joint projects and matchmaking on upcoming projects. Wrap up, Q&A, discussion around suggested partnerships, next steps

Moderator:  Bryan Willson
Speakers:  Terri Fiez (Vice Chancellor of Research and Innovation, University of Colorado-Boulder), Alan Rudolph (Vice President for Research, Colorado State University), Ryan Richards (Professor and Associate Vice President for Research, Colorado School of Mines)

4:00:  Adjourn workshop

4:00 – 5:00pm:  A networking and team building reception with beverages and appetizers will be held until 5:00pm in same building. Everyone welcomed and encouraged to stay


Past Events Hosted by Collaboratory

In the summer of 2016, the Collaboratory took the lead in responding to a recommendation from the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) to organize a Regional Clean Energy Innovation Summit.  The summit was held on September 19, 2016 at the University of Colorado Boulder’s new Sustainability, Energy and Environment Complex (SEEC).  For more details about the summit click here.

The Summit successfully convened 167 individuals in person and approximately 30 on the live stream over a ten-state region (ND, SD, NE, KS, MT, ID, UT, CO, WY, NM).  The Summit participants shared ideas and explored potential partnerships for meeting Regional Energy Needs on a wide variety of topics including interconnectivity of Food, Energy and Water utilization in our region; continued deployment of renewable energy sources and development of the next generation electric grid; the coupling of energy production and climate change; opportunities for regional public/private partnerships leading to pilot-scale commercialization projects; and understanding of how public policy decisions influence achieving these goals.  Click here to review: Brief agenda for Sept 19 Regional Clean Energy Innovation Summit

The detailed report of the Summit’s deliberations that the Collaboratory prepared and submitted to the Department of Energy.  Our Regional Clean Energy Innovation Summit also facilitated development and submission of a strongly collaborative proposal from our Mountain West Regional Team entitled Empowering Mountain Energy Resources to Grow Economies (EMERGE).  The EMERGE proposal was submitted to DOE in response to their Regional Energy Technology Innovation Ecosystem Characterization Assessment Funding Opportunity Assessments (FOA-0001643).  If funded, the award will assist with development of collaborative research and commercialization projects on the technical and economic themes developed at the Regional Innovation Summit.  In the meantime, several of the technical themes and potential partnerships developed at the Summit are being pursued by various partnering groups from our ten-state region.  Click here to read the full EMERGE proposal:  DOE Report — Sept 19 summit — FINAL

Past Events

21st Century Energy Transition Symposium originally held on May 4, 5, and 14 2021.  Anyone can watch recorded sessions but must first register.  Click here.


2020 – 2021 free Energy-related Webinar Series — click here


Click here for more info on past symposia.

8th annual 21st Century Energy Transition Symposium

Theme:  Driving Innovations

Date: April 1-2, 2019

Co-hosts:  All four Collaboratory entities (University of Colorado Boulder, Colorado School of Mines, Colorado State University and National Renewable Energy Lab)

Past Events

Regional Clean Energy Innovation Summit

Date: September 19, 2016 9:30am – 5:30pm